How to care for your baby’s umbilical cord

Caring for a newborn baby can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to caring for their umbilical cord stump. Many parents aren’t sure what to do and are nervous to hurt the baby by caring for it wrong. Here are some tips on how to care for a baby's umbilical cord until it falls off:

  1. Keep the area clean and dry: It is important to keep the umbilical cord stump and the surrounding skin clean and dry prevent infection and to help the stump fall off more quickly. You can clean the area with a clean, soft, cloth that is damp with water. Once you are done, gently pat it dry with a clean towel. Avoid using rubbing alcohol or any other products on it unless advised by your baby's doctor.

  2. Fold the diaper below the stump: Most newborn sized diapers have a small cut out area to avoid having the diaper come in contact with the cord. Sometimes, even with this, the diaper will still rub on the cord which we need to avoid. When changing your baby's diaper, make sure to fold the diaper below the umbilical cord stump to prevent any peep or poop from coming into contact with the area or the diaper rubbing and causing irritation. If the diaper does not fold well, you can cut out a small area near the top of the diaper to keep the cord open to air.

  3. Avoid soaking the cord: It is recommended to delay the baby’s first bath for at least 24 - 48 hours. Many care providers will recommend delaying it until the cord falls off. If you do have to bathe your baby while their cord is still attached, you may give your baby a sponge bath as long as you take steps to keep the baby from getting cold. (Read our blog about bathing newborns here.). It is important to avoid submerging the umbilical cord stump in water until it falls off.

  4. Know what to expect: Umbilical cords look a bit interesting! It is normal for the stump to look white and shiny immediately after birth and to turn brown, grey, or black as it dries and heals. One of the most common questions we get asked is “when will my baby’s umbilical fall off?”. The stump usually falls off within 1 to 2 weeks, but it can take longer. After the stump falls off, you may notice a red, raw-looking spot with a small amount of fluid sometimes tinged with blood. This is normal and should heal within 2 weeks. Do not put anything on the area including antibacterial creams unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

  5. Watch for signs of infection: Many parents may wonder how to know if their babies umbilical cord is infected. Look for signs such as pus, red and tender skin, or a fever. If you see any of these, it is important to call your baby's doctor and have your baby assessed. These may be signs of an infection and should be addressed promptly. Additionally, if you notice any other problems with the umbilical cord area, such as a moist, red lump or bulging tissue around the navel, you should contact your baby's doctor.

  6. After the cord falls off: Once the cord stump naturally detaches, you'll want to continue to keep the area clean and dry until it heals completely. While bathing your baby, gently cleanse the belly button area, taking care not to scrub or irritate the skin. Afterward, pat the area dry with a soft, clean towel or cloth. It's essential to monitor the site for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, and promptly consult your baby's healthcare provider if you notice any concerning changes. Otherwise, with regular cleanliness and attention, your baby's belly button will heal in no time!

Caring for a baby's umbilical cord stump may seem daunting, but with proper care, it can heal quickly and without complications. Remember to keep the area clean and dry, watch for signs of infection, and contact your baby's doctor if you have any concerns. By following these simple steps, you can help your baby's umbilical cord stump heal properly and ensure that they stay healthy and happy.

Pro Tip: The cord will likely come off during a diaper change or while you change their clothes. This can be scary for new parents. It’s not your fault! The cord was likely ready to come off. Keep the area clean and watch for signs of infection.

Still nervous about newborn care and handling the umbilical cord?

Our Calgary postpartum doulas are highly trained and confident in all aspects of newborn care, including umbilical cord care. If you feel overwhelmed or unsure about how to care for your baby, our doulas can provide hands-on guidance and walk you through everything from diaper changes, to bathing and cutting those teeny, tiny, adorable nails! An added bonus is that you could catch a nap while they are there, leaving you feeling more confident and rested after their visit. You can book doula support here.

Welcome Baby Co. is a Calgary-based company. We are happy to support all kinds of families through all kinds of birth and postpartum. Our goal is to prepare you for any scenario that may arise so that you can feel confident and empowered as you enter parenthood.

If you have any questions about Calgary birth doulas, Calgary postpartum doulas, breastfeeding support in Calgary or our Prenatal classes in Calgary, please contact us.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website/blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have.

*Information referenced from Alberta Health Services. Read more about umbilical cord on their website.

**Image taken by Doula Cayla and is property of Welcome Baby Co. Images are not to be shared without permission.


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